Saturday, January 23, 2010

My New Character

It has been suggested that I undertake the Couch to 5K program, which is an exercise program that can be found at A person accepting this challenge would typically just put on some sweats and start running, but I don't find that to be sufficiently melodramatic.

I have much to do in terms of preparation, which includes this blog. Recognizing that my geek character and my high-powered manager character aren't up to the task, I need to create an athletic character with some new gear - but not too much - as new characters have to start at the beginning. Thus, I will pop out to a variety of shopping locales and return as a transformed, level zero athletic character.

Unfortunately, the stores aren't open yet so I'm returning to bed. But mark my words: before this day is out, I will complete the Week 1 Day 1 routine. As further evidence of my seriousness please feast on the story below from last night:

Wife: "Oh honey, I missed you so much during your two-week business trip. The kids are asleep. Won't you please come to bed?"

Me: "Do you mean come to bed ... or come to bed?"

Wife: "What do you think?"

Me: "Sorry, I am in training."

That's right folks - this is serious business. If you guys want to see how it's done, check back later after I wake up. Perhaps you can also become a super athlete.

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